The idea of PHYDINE arose following a round table on „Women in Physics“ in January 2019 with a visiting professor who had previously held a guest colloquium as part of the guest lectures by female scientists funded by FAU through the target agreements to increase the proportion of women in science. It turned out that there is a great need to deal with topics such as „Women in Science“, „Careers in Science“ and „Compatibility of Work and Family“ in more detail. Therefore, it was a logical conclusion to create a format within the Department of Physics that can cover these needs in a general sense. The initiative for PHYDINE came directly from the participants of the round table who created the concept of PHYDINE. In May 2019 PHYDINE was launched with a kick-off meeting, where ideas and intentions of the PHYDINE founders were presented and further suggestions for the design of PHYDINE were discussed. Since then regular round tables have been organized. This development has culminated in the DIPHER-22 conference in 2022 where equity and diversity topics have been discussed in a fruitful and broad manner with guests and participants from all research field of the Physics Department.